Articles by Caroline

Inspirational, resourceful, and tactful articles for all people looking to radically change the way they live their life through unapologetic self-love, faithful dream-chasing, bold advocacy, and intentional stewardship.

Personal, White Supremacy Culture Caroline Sumlin Personal, White Supremacy Culture Caroline Sumlin

This Is A Lot Right Now

The moment the world implodes with, yet, another political or humanitarian crisis and everyone’s think-tank caps immediately spring into position, the only thing I feel inclined to do is hide. I find myself mindlessly scrolling as I internalize my panic and anxiety. The pressure to have the perfect academically intelligent response to the events that just occurred is looming.

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White Supremacy, White Supremacy Culture Caroline Sumlin White Supremacy, White Supremacy Culture Caroline Sumlin

I'm Convinced: Individualism is Killing Us

This is not breaking news.

Saying the words, “America is an individualistic society,” is like saying “water is wet.” Yeah, we know. This is not breaking news. American society does not function without its populace completely buying into the belief that individualism is the one right way to function as a human.

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