If you have struggled with perfectionism, self-doubt, unworthiness, or the unrelenting pressure to pursue someone else's version of "success," then this book is for you.
How a Culture of White Supremacy Devalues Us and How We Can Reclaim Our True Worth
Society has told you that you’re not good enough unless you live up to the standard.
Society lied to you.
Since the beginning of its modern conception, society has forced us to believe that our worth lies in our ability to measure up to its narrow, socially constructed standards. Standards that are actually rooted in colonization, racism, and white supremacy.
From believing that the pinnacle of beauty lies in blonde hair and blue eyes, to believing we must maintain 24/7 productivity, we receive the message from every corner of society that, in one way or another, we aren’t enough.
As a result…we chase. We chase perfectionism. We chase productivity. We ignore trauma. We change ourselves to mold to the status quo. We erase our cultural identities to subscribe to Western culture. Our mental health suffers in silence. Our feelings of unworthiness deepen. All because we live in a society that determined that there was one ideal version of a human and everyone else was inferior.
Your chase ends today.
Placing your worth in society’s standards ends today.
Believing lies about the roots of these standards ends today.
Today, you get your freedom back.
You ready?
Today, we break free from the unattainable standard set by white supremacy. For good.
Is this book for me?
I’m so glad you asked.
…you have ever whispered the words, “I’m not good enough” to yourself.
…you have ever chased your worth in perfection, productivity, or status
…have ever hated your body or felt like a failure.
… you’re ready to break free from dominant culture.
…are ready to confront uncomfortable historical truths that still impact us today.
… you’re ready to disrupt the systems that tried to steal your self-worth.
No matter what racial, gender, sexual, religious, or anything-in-between “label” you identify with, this book is for you.
“At several points throughout We'll All Be Free, I would pause and hover over a sentence, trying to memorize what Caroline had to say because I didn't want to simply highlight her words, I wanted to let her ideas and insights sink deep within, to continue to stir and challenge me long after I put the book down.
Weaving her own story of adoption and trauma and pain, Caroline makes connections to concepts such as white supremacy culture in a fresh and compelling way.
This book will help you understand not just what is broken in our racist and patriarchal society, but how it connects to you and your own story. As a White woman and a recovering perfectionist, I am so grateful this book exists.”
Oh, HEY!
Since I can remember, I have felt unworthy of existing on this earth.
There was no one who could tell me otherwise — I was ugly, I wasn’t smart, I only made mistakes and never achieved anything I was told I “should achieve,” and not to mention, I wasn’t supposed to be here in the first place.
Until recently, I thought this was all in my head and all my fault. It was my fault I wasn’t beautiful. It was my fault I wasn’t as smart as I was told I should be. It was certainly my fault that I hadn’t achieved what I should have achieved by now, according to society’s standards. I wasn’t worthy — and it was my fault.
And since it was my fault, I needed to fix it. I needed to prove my worthiness. I needed to become as thin as possible, chase success, and assimilate to dominant culture. I needed to eat healthier, workout more, wake up at 5:00a, buy 3 planners, contour my face, and straighten my hair. I needed to be perfect. Only perfection was acceptable. Nothing. Less.
Little did I know, my struggle with unworthiness was white supremacy doing exactly what white supremacy was designed to do.
And little did I know, I wasn't the only one struggling.
We all were.
The norms of our society, the standards we have been conditioned to hold ourselves to, the beliefs we carry…these did not come out of nowhere. They developed over time from racist ideas rooted in the belief that whiteness is superior and whiteness should remain supreme.
The standards we learn to uphold in school? And if we don’t, we’re failures? Created to prove Black children as stupid and white children as intellectually superior. Created to prove Black children as stupid and white children as intellectually superior.
The beauty standards shoved down our throats on every magazine cover, weight loss ad, and tv show? Created to intentionally separate the white race from the Black race based on appearance and body size.
The hustle and grind culture we have come to worship? A byproduct of our capitalist, free market economy constructed to establish a blatant financial divide between white people and black people to prove racist ideas of superiority and inferiority.
The result?
A collective of humans left dizzy from chasing worth per society’s standards without ever questioning where these “standards” came from in the first place. From kids practically killing themselves to earn top grades, to the eating disorder epidemic, to the mental health crisis that we refuse to admit is directly linked to a society that thrives in our perpetual state of burnout, we are exhausted. And we don’t deserve this.
And that’s why I wrote this book.
Because we all deserve to be free from the archaic norms of a society built on the false ideology that one race is superior to everyone else. And all that comes with that.
We deserve to live in a society where our humanity is the standard.
No more chasing, no more conforming, no more assimilating. No more striving, not more reaching, no more telling ourselves that we aren’t good enough.
From now on, we are only walking in the fullness of our humanity without apology.
From now on, we are all free.
I Narrated My Book!
And you’re going to love it.
Narrating my audiobook gave me an opportunity to read the book with all of the emotion and intention that I wanted to communicate to each reader. It will feel like we are sitting down to coffee and reclaiming our freedom, together.
Printable Resources for Further Study
Everything you need to get the most out of this book whether you are reading alone, with a friend, or with a group.
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