How to Discern Where God Is Calling You In This Season



Feeling lost? Wondering where God is calling you?

Wondering how you can best navigate the season you are in and live on purpose for his glory? This episode is for YOU, mama. 

It's natural to wonder and question where God is calling us. We can receive clarity about this overall when we focus on where God is calling us in our current season. Plus, it's important to be faithful stewards of our current season.

In this episode, we will go over four steps you can take right now to discern the direction of your season, and take practical, faithful action of stewardship wherever you are called right now. 

Here’s a quick overview of the steps that are discussed:

  1. List out everything that you're doing in this season. What roles are you playing?

    • Wife

    • Mom (ages of kids are important here)

    • Career

    • Etc.

  2. List out what's happening in each of these areas. What phases are your kids going through? What are your husband's needs right now? What's going on at work? What's going on in the other areas of your life?

  3. Write down what is happening personally. (Health, family, etc)

  4. Write down what else might be on your heart right now that you feel really led to but haven't taken action on, if anything.

You should start to get a clear picture about what's going on in your current season. Write down what that picture is as it comes to you. As the picture gets clearer, you'll have an understanding of the calling and the priorities within the calling. Trust that you are sowing seeds for your next season while you are faithfully stewarding things season.

Featured in today's episode:

The doors to the Meant For Motherhood Academy are now open! The Meant For Motherhood Academy is my signature monthly membership coaching program and community for mission-driven, Christian mamas just like you who want to learn how to be more efficient and effective in managing motherhood so that you can be intentional in your mamahood calling with joy and without burnout. Starting at just $39 a month, you'll attend monthly workshops taught by me, take monthly mini-courses that will help you get organized and create effective routines and systems, have access to private coaching from me, and engage in private community with other like-minded mamas, and more. 

Click here to learn more and join us! 


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