Celebrating Black History Month in a Meaningful and Fun Way With Your Kids



Happy Black History Month!

Ahhh!!! This is one of my favorite months of the year, if not, my absolute favorite month. Black history and culture has been my favorite thing to learn about as a child and I love continuing the tradition in adulthood.

I am extremely proud to be Black, and I have my mom to thank for that. Growing up, she surrounded our home with rich, Black culture via music, movies, and activities. She filled the gaps that my typical, suburban public education left wide open.

My understanding of our culture from a deep, celebratory lens is what has held me together when I wandered through the halls of my predominantly white suburban schools where it felt so obvious that my Blackness did not belong.

That same Black History pride is what carries me through when we are witnessing the continuing injustices of Black Americans in our society today.

This past year especially, the trauma of the Black community has been fully on display for the world to see, and for many, to really wake up and see for the first time even though this is something we live with on a daily basis. Many have decided that they are now choosing allyship instead of staying silent and that is a beautiful thing. Finally, many are realizing the deep trauma and oppression of what it means to be Black in America.

However, its easy to stop there. There’s so much work and focus on the negative, the pain, and the hurt, which is so important. But, there is so much to celebrate as well.

As a people, we have overcome so much, and every single Black icon has paced the way for our community to literally say, “yes, we can, too.”

So, while we focus on Black History and amplifying Black voices every month of the year, Black History Month is a time to really celebrate. Celebrate what this culture has turned into. One of pride. One of flavor. One that is the backbone of our country.

Part of redefining our motherhood calling and narrative is not just focused on us. It’s changing the way we disciple and lead our children. Imagine what a difference we will make in our chldren’’s lives if we normalize celebrating Black History in our homes. Especially if you are not Black.

Imagine the true allies that you will create.

Imagine the world changers you are building.

Imagine the rise in love and the decline in hate.

All because instead of staying silent and acting like that’s enough to not be racist, you decide that anti-racism is going to be part of your family’s fabric.

In this episode of the Meant For This podcast, I am outlining some fun ways that you can celebrate Black History Month with your kids by attaching their natural interests to what you teach and celebrate.

Tune in at the link above or head to your fave podcast app and search Meant For This.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • why it is so important to celebrate Black History

  • a few examples of fun ways you can celebrate Black History with your kids in a way that will cater to their likes and interests

  • how to teach your children to see the beauty and pride in Black culture so that the focus on the hate and negativity is no longer front and center


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