How cloth diapers literally changed my life (and how they will change yours too)

Motherhood has completely changed me. And by changed me, it made me a complete minimalist. Former Caroline wouldn’t even recognize current Caroline. 

Something...switched when I became pregnant with my first. I began to crave minimalism. I began to take off all the jewelry I was wearing. I began to love simple outfits and colors. I began to declutter like crazy. I started choosing less so I would spend less and be less stressed. I began to research all of the ways to create a minimal, sustainable household. I knew that simplifying all the things would be the only way to conquer motherhood with minimal stress.

Enter: cloth diapers

Now, most people would stop right there and tell me that cloth diapers sound more stressful than disposable diapers. And, to the untrained eye, I can totally see why one would say that. Wouldn’t it just be simpler to toss a disposable diaper in the trash and keep it moving? 

Not necessarily. 

Motherhood with a minimalist approach is not about choosing the “easiest” way to do something. Simple does not always equal easiest. It’s about choosing the most intentional way to do something that will create lasting benefits in your household and for your children. It’s about setting up systems and routines that run on autopilot so you can breathe easier. It’s about reducing waste in your household and teaching your children how to steward what they have well. It’s about investing in one or two quality items that will last for several years and create amazing memories than getting what’s cheapest and easiest, but not the best quality. And, it’s about reducing your overall unnecessary spending so you can invest more, save more, give more, and love more as a family. 

And yes, cloth diapering does all of that, which is why it totally changed my life. 

Cloth diapering is saving us thousands of dollars

I have two kids in diapers right now. If I wanted to purchase quality diapers that are considered to have “better for you ingredients” for both babies, I would be spending about $2,500 total over the course of the 2+ years both kids are in diapers. With cloth diapers, I have spent about $800 total and...that’s it. That’s literally a $1700 difference. That doesn’t include how many diapers go to waste when your baby sizes up and you still have a box of diapers in the wrong size. PLUS, that doesn’t include disposable wipes. 

I can use the same diapers on both of my little ones because I just need to adjust the rise snaps on the diaper according to their size. That’s it. One-time purchase and done. Zero waste. High quality, outstanding comfort, non-toxic, and financially wise. 

Cloth diapering has created lasting benefits for our children (and household) 

Lasting benefits for my children: 

  • Less diaper rash

  • Healthier skin (especially on the diaper area)

  • Reduced interaction with harmful chemicals 

  • They are more comfortable (cloth diapers are like pillows!)

  • More outfits have been saved because cloth diapers RARELY have blowouts, which means less money spent on clothes and replacing clothes due to messes 

  • They see the value of choosing reusable products and are a lot more likely to do so themselves 

  • They are more likely to value their items because  they see items being taken care of and reused versus thrown away.’

Lasting benefits of household:

  • LESS WASTE! Enough said. 

  • No seriously, reduce, reuse, recycle. 

  • It will inspire other ways to reduce waste around the house when you realize how much you are reducing with cloth diapers (reusable paper towels anyone?) 

  • Serious money saver (I know I mentioned this, but I thought I’d throw that out there again because it really makes a difference) 

Cloth diapering has increased my confidence as a mother and the decisions I am making for my children. #intentionlamotherhood

When I made the decision to cloth diaper, I never knew how empowering it would be. Yet, it has empowered me in so many ways. I take pride in the research I have done to carefully curate the perfect diapering system for my babes.  I love that I have the flexibility to choose a different type of diaper depending on my needs for the day. If I need a bit more absorbency, I choose the Grovia ONE diaper (also the BEST nighttime diaper hands down. Never any leaks ever.). If I need something quick and easy while I’m home, I choose the Grovia Hybrid shell with the No-Prep Soaker Pads for diaper changes in a hurry. When I need a classy, stylish trim diaper for my babes’ Sunday’s best outfits, I choose the classic Grovia All-in-one diaper. I get to control what goes on my babies’ delicate diaper area and when, and there’s never any harmful chemicals. Just quality fabrics such as 100% cotton and high-quality fleece. 

With cloth diapering, I don’t have to settle. I don’t have to settle for blowouts from cheap, paper diapers that don’t fit well. I don’t have to settle for unknown chemicals and awful rashes from those chemicals. I don’t have to run to the store at 11 o’clock at night because “whoops, I ran out of diapers!” It’s a breath of fresh air. Its convenient. Yes, it’s easy. And it has empowered me to make even more intentional decisions for my babes. 

Lastly, cloth diapering honors my minimalist values

It might seem like cloth diapers require a lot of extra work and are the furthest thing from minimalism. However, cloth diapers are extremely minimal. I only have 30 diapers total for two babies. That’s it! I have a few extra boosters and I have a seperate newborn stash for when they are tiny, but that’s literally it. I have one spray bottle filled with water in each girls’ room and Grovia cloth wipes stacked on their diaper tables. I’ve rid of the boxes and boxes of wipes and diapers.  Reusable is minimal! I can keep all of my toddler’s diapers in her bottom dresser drawer and I keep my infant’s diapers in two small baskets next to her changing station. Add in a couple of wet bags and reusable pail liners and you have your complete system. It’s not nearly as complicated as one might think.  

Seriously, this has been a mamahood game-changer. I’m so grateful for one of my mama friends who turned me on to cloth. I try to pay it forward with as many mamas as possible and show mamas that not only can cloth diapering be done, but it can literally transform the way you do motherhood. 


These reusable products save me hundreds of dollars every month


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